AutoMQ charts repository for Kafka and RocketMQ.
Helm must be installed to use the charts. Please refer to Helm’s documentation to get started.
Once Helm is set up properly, add the repo as follows:
helm repo add automq
helm repo update
You can then run helm search repo automq
to see the charts.
Install automq-for-rocketmq
as follows:
helm install automq-for-rocketmq automq/automq-for-rocketmq
Deploying with default values creates the following three pods:
By default values will deploy MySQL for metadata storage.
If you want to use an existing database, you can refer to the following method to configure it.
# Custom-values.yaml
url: "jdbc:mysql://<mysql-endpoint>/<database>"
userName: "<user>"
password: "<password>"
helm install -f custom-values.yaml automq-for-rocketmq automq/automq-for-rocketmq
The default values will deploy Localstack for data storage.
If you want to use AWS S3 or other S3 API compatible services such as Minio, you can refer to the following method to configure it.
# Custom-values.yaml
endpoint: "<s3-service-endpoint>"
bucket: "<bucket-name>"
region: "<region-id>"
forcePathStyle: true
accessKey: "<access-key>"
secretKey: "<secret-key>"
helm install -f custom-values.yaml automq-for-rocketmq automq/automq-for-rocketmq ```